– Code: ZND
– Manufacturer: Rohde & Schwarz
– Origin: Germany
* Technical specifications:
– Measurement function: Measure the transmission parameters of high-frequency S-parameter waves (S11, S21, S22, S12).
– Measurement range:
+ Frequency range: 100 kHz to 8.5 GHz
+ Power range: –20 dBm to +3 dBm
+ Frequency accuracy after calibration: 5 x 10-7
+ Frequency drift according to temperature (+5 °C to +40 °C): 1×10-6
+ Number of ports: 2 ports+ Noise floor (50 MHz to 6.5 GHz): < –120 dBm, typ. –125 dBm
+ Frequency resolution: 1 Hz
+ Dynamic range at 6.5 GHz to 8.5 GHz: > 110 dB, typ. 125 dB
+ Measurement time (TSWEEP) 1 cycle 201 points, measurement range 5.1 GHz, measurement bandwidth 300 kHz: < 3 ms.
+ Screen: 12.1 inches
+ Load matching factor (frequency range from 100 kHz to 4.5 GHz): ≥ 45 dB.
+ Amplitude noise: < 0.005 dB
+ Phase noise: < 0.035 degrees- 12.1Inch screen; External display port: DVI; User control port: BIT channel 0 to BIT channel 3; BIT channel 4 to BIT channel 7; DRIVE PORT device port from 1-4; Measurement result reporting port: PASS 1 and 2; Busy reporting port: BUYSY.
– Measurement software features:
+ Bidirectional measurement; Impedance measurement feature; Conduction parameter measurement feature; Parameter and wave ratio measurement features;
+ Balanced conversion feature – no balance; Stability coefficient measurement feature; Group delay measurement feature; Remote control feature: supported; Measurement software feature (Meas softtool).
– Synchronized accessories include: Measurement cable; Calibration kit.
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