Common problems in smart home technology and how to fix them

For nearly a decade, the smart home market has grown strongly with many products from different brands providing more choices for users.

Besides the undeniably useful features, smart home still has certain limitations that need to entail unnecessary inconveniences and costs. The following will be typical smart home limitations and troubleshooting methods selected from industry experts, equipping you with the basic knowledge about smart home and helping you to be more confident in the process of setting up. Design your own smart ecosystem.

False warnings

Smart but by no means never confused. Like when you’re just chatting with another person and don’t mean to give orders to the virtual assistant, but your assistant still speaks, or when your security camera notices unusual human movement in front of the house but actually doesn’t. substance is just a falling leaf. You have adjusted in the settings, but this problem can’t be fixed forever.


Choose devices that are smarter than average to minimize confusion. Use security cameras with built-in AI motion detection in the form of people, distinguishing people from animals, or vehicles… for a more accurate experience. Thus, with just a smarter device and a few seconds of installation, you significantly increase the accuracy of the smarts from your smart home.

Running out of battery too fast

Still the funny saying “modern is harmful to electricity”, technology lovers sometimes complain about smart devices that quickly run out of battery, leading to many annoying problems such as not being able to unlock the smart door to enter. home, security cameras stopped working.


Make sure your smart devices are within wifi coverage, as well as smartphones, smarthome devices will consume more power when having to constantly search for a network signal. Being in a stable wifi coverage area will help your device’s battery life to last longer while extending battery life.

Prioritize choosing products with durable rechargeable batteries that can maintain operation for many days after a full charge. This is also a new trend of smart home devices recently, helping to reduce worries for modern families.

Risk of private information leakage

The issue of personal information security has never been more concerned than today. How to protect private data? This is an issue that not only needs caution from the users themselves, but also depends on the privacy policy of the smart home brand you choose.


Should consider carefully before choosing a smarthome brand, especially home security camera equipment. Brands with strict privacy policies should be prioritized over brands that are easy on customer information. Currently some brands, like EZVIZ, have been implementing a “one and only” policy for all their smart security camera devices. This means that a device is only tied to a single master account, and only this person has the ability to access data and authorize other sub-accounts to access the data. EZVIZ establishes a multi-step verification process to ensure the highest security for users’ information.

Even in case your camera device is stolen or someone intentionally uses the QR code on the device to break into your personal account, with a strict security policy, no one can log in. to your device in addition to your single account. Even when someone contacts the switchboard to ask for access rights, the EZVIZ system only applies one direction to reset the device to grant new access rights, then all the old information from the previous account will not be available. is displayed.


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